Monday, September 15, 2008

My new favorite thing!

My mom is so awesome! I got the cutest purse today in the mail for my birthday (not till September 29)! I've wanted one forever! It's a Vera Bradley Bucket Tote in Mod Floral Pink

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Feeling blessed

I feel so extemely blessed today. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened really. I got to do dishes with my 4 year old - he rinses and is a very GOOD rinser!!!! We played blocks, colored and made strawberry smoothies. I found out my sister is very serious about moving down to Arizona and leaves November 1st! She is going to stay with me until they get on their feet, so she will hopefully be here through Christmas! Either way I may get some help cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!
I also got to make an much overdo apology to someone. Whether it is going to be well received or not is TBD, but I feel better knowing I did it.
Greg's job is great. He is due for his review and hopefully a raise! We love our new Pastor and his wife. They've been a blessing to us and our church. They have also adopted (she is grown know though)!
Dylan is doing wonderful in school. He is getting all A's. Every paper that comes home is 100% or check plus(which is how they grade these days).
My mom is coming to visit in a few weeks and I can't wait for that. She is soooo excited to be a grandma again! My dad and sister arent coming though
My other dad (my two dads ha ha) is out of rehab and is doing well. He gave his life to the Lord too! He just may tie the knot with Dawn (finally), but it was good that they waited!
Well that is it....must go clean - my favorite hobby - NOT!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

8 months and counting and other random blogging

I can't believe I am already one month into my pregnancy. I feel great! I go to my first doctors appointment this Thursday at 2:45pm. I've pulled out all of my prego books and am reading them for a refresher. It also helps me to pray for the baby specifically when I know what parts are developing and when.
Dylan is doing great in school. He has school pictures on Sept 22 and he is so photogenic so we will probably get them. Both of the boys started soccer and their first game is Saturday September 13. Greg is coaching Dylan's team and I have Zion's.

Well I am off to watch the OSU game. Go BUCKEYES!