Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

What a Christmas! Last night our family (including my sister, Kayla and my father in law) went to church for a great service. I especially loved the children's sermon given by our pastors wife, Jackie! Then came home for an evening of snacking and watching football(Giants and Titans - dvr'd).

This morning Greg and I woke up around 6am and made coffee and cinnamon rolls for the family and had egg bake made last night. We had to serenade the family awake with "We wish you a Merry Christmas" around 7pm. We were shocked the boys were still sleeping but it was still dark.

The kids were spoiled as usual. They finally got their Wii, a bunch of games, the Mario Cart steering wheel and rechargable battery packs. Several DVD's and board games. Dylan got a few books and 2 sets of Hotwheel trick tracks! Zion got his art easel desk and all the accesories and an art projector from Kay and Joe.

Greg got his rollerblades, leather riding gloves and his Seinfeld season 9 dvd set to name a few. I got new dishes, silverware and pots and pans from Greg and Al. My Mom and Dadsent a Crop-a-dile Big bite, clothes for Baby Xander and some additional scrapbooking supplies for me to scrap for him!

I can hardly believe we will have a baby this time next year! It is very exciting! Only 19 more weeks!

"Unto us is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord"
In the midst of all the food, fellowship and gifts let us now forget the reason we celebrate today! To remember the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jesus is the Reason....

What a busy time of year! However, my most favorite time. I've been getting to spend some much needed time with my boys and tonight a date with my man! We've been baking and cooking and going to parties and seeing Christmas plays. Here are a few pictures from our events.!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Life Update 11.14.08

16 weeks Belly
The above pictures is my prego belly at 16 weeks. It is going great! I've had no morning sickeness and the extreme fatigue is gone...(I hope). We found out the gender on November 26 at 9:15 am.

Soccer season is over for the boys with a celebration BBQ tomorrow at the field. The kids will receive their medals and team photos.

It is nice having Kayla and Joe here. They help were they can and are great company for Greg and I.

Greg is doing well in his macroecomomics course this semester and is maintaining a B average.

That is it for now..I am tired and am turning in early!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pre Halloween Photos


Fall Pictures

We had fun a few weeks ago when my mom was here. I just got the pictures from her and so I decided to post them. Kayla and Joe arrive in 6 days - we are so excited!
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Seven Things

Seven Things
Did you know?
I saw these on a few other blogs and decided to join in. Tag! You're it!!Seven things I do well:1) Love my family2) Am a good friend3) Sing4) Cook/Bake5) Keep my word6) Clean7) ScrapbookSeven things I don't do well:1) Exercise everyday2) Dishes (I really just hate to do them)3) Patience
4) Home business5)Finish books cover to cover6) Paint trim7) yard workSeven things I have never done:1) Got a tattoo2)Skydive3)Pushed a baby out.4) Made a real cheesecake5) Been to Africa6) Had my tongue pierced7) Had colored contacts
Seven 'jobs' I have(none of mine pay though):
3)President of PTA
4) Registrar for AYSO Soccer
5) Worship team singer
6) Youth group leader
7) Mops Publicity Chair

Seven things I want to do:1)Meet my new baby
2)Spend Christmas with my whole family again3)Visit Egypt4) Get over my fear of public speaking5) Loose weight after baby6)Move into a new house7)Get out of debtSeven Things that make me Happy:1)My family2)Attending Church and praising Jesus3)Scrapboking4) Sunshine5)Friends
6)Coming home to a clean house7)Babies.

Sunday Sunday

Just a quick update on the life of the Hintz's
My mom just left after a week long visit. She was sad to leave but is coming back in May when the baby is born. We got to do lots of fun things including: a picnic in the park, a trip to the zoo, picking out the boys halloween costumes, carving pumpkins and going to the library and mall.
My sister, Kayla and her husband Joe will be here around November 3. They will be living with us till at least the 1st of the year until they find their own place and get back on their feet. It will be nice to have them here for the holidays!
Greg is back from his missions trip to Mexico! He had an awesome time with our youth group. They spent time helping with the beginning stages of building a well that will double the water pressure to the entire RAV camp and running a soccer camp. 40 children received full soccer uniforms, trophies and a soccer ball - courtesy of AYSO Soccer (the soccer board I serve on) and the Vacation Bible school our kids had at our church this summer. It was awesome to see giving in action!
Dylan had a great fall break and is eager to get back to school tomorrow! He is loving 3rd grade and his teacher! Praise God she is a christian! They started science a few weeks ago and he loves that too. He is really into rocks and gems and that was one of their first lessons. If you got the email regarding his fundraiser there is one week left to order.
Zion is still keeping me on my toes. He played soccer Saturday for the first time in 3 weeks (they were reseeding the fields) and the little guy had to play the entire 4 quarters straight - which is about 20 minutes on those little legs! His next game is Tuesday so hopefully he gets some much needed rest.
I am just about to enter my 2nd trimester and can't! I am hoping to regain some energy and get my life back in order. I am probably over extended as far as being involved in too many boards but I like to be involved in my children's lives. I am taking a break after December. I will be stepping down from the worship team for a season, as of November 15 I will be done coaching soccer and I will resign from the soccer board (Sorry Joyce!). I am down to only doing the 5th Sunday children's sunday school and morning refreshments and I will quit that after December as well.
My BFF is due anytime with her twin girls and I can't wait to meet them!!!

The holidays are just around the corner and that is my favorite time of year! I love to cook and bake and entertain so I'll be looking forward to that!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The neatest gift

My best friend Maria(h), yes my friend still pregnant with the twin girls, got me on of the best gifts I've ever got! It is a gift certificate to Prenatal Peek! It includes :
20-30 minute 4D ultrasound session
Video of your 4D ultrasound on DVD set to music
4 color photos of your baby and 4 black and white photos of your baby
Images of your baby on CD
gender determination - if requested
Discounts or Coupons from our "partners"
Enfamil gift pack

I am so excited to go and do this. It's just an extra thing I am looking forward to with the arrival of our new little one. I can't go until between Feb 12 and March 18 but it will be well worth the wait.
Thanks Greg and Maria!

Monday, September 15, 2008

My new favorite thing!

My mom is so awesome! I got the cutest purse today in the mail for my birthday (not till September 29)! I've wanted one forever! It's a Vera Bradley Bucket Tote in Mod Floral Pink

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Feeling blessed

I feel so extemely blessed today. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened really. I got to do dishes with my 4 year old - he rinses and is a very GOOD rinser!!!! We played blocks, colored and made strawberry smoothies. I found out my sister is very serious about moving down to Arizona and leaves November 1st! She is going to stay with me until they get on their feet, so she will hopefully be here through Christmas! Either way I may get some help cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!
I also got to make an much overdo apology to someone. Whether it is going to be well received or not is TBD, but I feel better knowing I did it.
Greg's job is great. He is due for his review and hopefully a raise! We love our new Pastor and his wife. They've been a blessing to us and our church. They have also adopted (she is grown know though)!
Dylan is doing wonderful in school. He is getting all A's. Every paper that comes home is 100% or check plus(which is how they grade these days).
My mom is coming to visit in a few weeks and I can't wait for that. She is soooo excited to be a grandma again! My dad and sister arent coming though
My other dad (my two dads ha ha) is out of rehab and is doing well. He gave his life to the Lord too! He just may tie the knot with Dawn (finally), but it was good that they waited!
Well that is it....must go clean - my favorite hobby - NOT!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

8 months and counting and other random blogging

I can't believe I am already one month into my pregnancy. I feel great! I go to my first doctors appointment this Thursday at 2:45pm. I've pulled out all of my prego books and am reading them for a refresher. It also helps me to pray for the baby specifically when I know what parts are developing and when.
Dylan is doing great in school. He has school pictures on Sept 22 and he is so photogenic so we will probably get them. Both of the boys started soccer and their first game is Saturday September 13. Greg is coaching Dylan's team and I have Zion's.

Well I am off to watch the OSU game. Go BUCKEYES!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

God is good

I am so excited! Recently Greg got pulled over for having expired tags on our van. When the officer asked to see his liscense he didn't have it with him. To make a long story short, the tickets were to be around $720-750. Today he went to his court hearing and the judge cleared all of the charges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

QT with the Fam

My Sister and I
Kay and Joe
Sedona Red Rocks
Dylan Climbing the Grand Canyon
Dylan, Dad and Zion at Slide Rock
What a great week! Although I was sad to see my sister, Kayla and her hubby Joe leave today we definately wasted no time at all. We left Thursday afternoon and drove to Prescott and had dinner at the Prescott Brewery Company. They have the best Tomato Mushroom Bisque with Beer bread in the world!!! Next we drove to Williams where we stayed the night at a hotel and swam in the pool before going to bed. We got up early the next morning and had breakfast. We had a 58 mile drive to the Grand Canyon. Greg and I were there in December of 2006 but it was cold, snowy and not very enjoyable, however still beautiful! We took the boys too and they had never been either. We hiked Bright Angel Trail , took lots of pictures and shopped at the general store. Next we drove to Sedona. We stopped at Slide Rock for a little more hiking and swimming!! We then drove to historic Sedona and ate dinner, got coffee and shopped some more before driving home. What a great adventure!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Time of my life

There is nothing better chillin' with family. Shopping, walking through the desert, sharing meals, playing darts. It has been such a blast having my sister and brother in law here. It is flying by so fast!!!! Tomorrow we are going to the Grand Canyon for an overnight trip with the boys. We are pretty excited about it. The Viscomis and our boys have never been there. Pictures to follow!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Busy Weekend

I am sooooo excited to see my sister(and Joey) only two more days and she'll be here! I wish I could see everyone else too, but this will give me a fix. Today I got to go scrapbooking with my favorite gals from AZ. The new CTMH fall catalog came out but we can't order from it till Sept 1. And their clearance sale is starting again Tuesday morning!!!!! YEA! After scrapping I went and signed up more people for soccer, we are up to 208. I am coaching the little guys and only have 4 players and Greg is coaching Dylan's team again for the third year. After that I came home and cleaned like there was no tomorrow, I guess that's what women in my family do when they get nervous, or excited or both...CLEAN! We also went to our friend Tom's for his birthday! He is such a great cook and he wanted to cook for all of his friends on his birthday and cook he did! It was a smorgasboard of delights! I love his cooking!

Tomorrow is church and a welcome home party for Lindsay, a girl from our church, who just got back from a missions trip in Thailand!

We got good news today that Greg's tickets may go down from $600 to $125 for failing to present his liscense and expired registration - Pray that reduce the fines!!!! If they do that will help us pay our $645 electric bill!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES! What do people think money grows on trees?

Until till tomorrow **SIGH** I am going to bed, I am sleepy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crop till I drop

I love to scrapbook. My favorite supplies come from Close to my heart from my favorite consultant and good friend Kim Higgins. A group of us meet every third Saturday of the month and we are making a album titled a Inspired By. I posted some pictures from it on my myspace.

As the Deer

One of my favorite hymns...its been in my head all day. So I guess God had me meditating on the words.........

As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

You alone are my strength my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

You're my friend and You are my brother,
Even though you are a king.
I love you more thank any other,
So much more than anything.

I want You more than gold or silver,
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy Giver,
And the apple of my eye.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Boys will be Boys

Ahh, look at that face, Does he look like he would hurt a flea?
No, but he did!
Dylan's First Shiner! He says it doesn't hurt!

Well Dylan has his first shiner and Zion gave it to him. Zi whacked him in the face with a broom. I guess that is what boys do. It happened Monday night so he had to go to school (only his 2nd day in 3rd grade) with it. He got a lot of attention though. A little too much from one girl who is in LOVE with him. He got 100% on his first spelling pre-test Monday so he doesn't have to take the actual test on Friday. He also got 100% on his Reading test - the only kid in the class. As Greg always tells them "Readers are Leader" if you can read you can teach yourself anything. Right now Dylan is reading "Sir Fartsalot and the hunts the Booger" by Kevin Bolger. That was right after we got out "Walter the Farting Dog" for Zion. They actually have this "Walter the farting dog" stuffed animal at the library and YES it does fart! The kids love it!!!! GROSS!

Ahh yes, boys will be boys. I am just happy they are reading.

This that and the Other

Well thanks to my cousin Nikki (SAHM mom of 3 and Tasetfully Simple Consultant) and her cute blog, I decided to keep up with mine. I started in April of last year but never blogged since. I will try it for awhile and see how I like it.

I am up to my neck in soccer registration, my first PTA meeting is next week, and so is my first steering committee meeting for M.O.P.S.


I am very excited that my sister is coming to visit next week with her husband Joe. I have not seen them since their wedding last year. See left for a picture....she was a stunning bride and Joe looked pretty good too!